Saturday, November 21, 2009

OHIO baby!!

So Andrew has an interview for a summer internship in Cleveland (close to Wadsworth, where I'm from) and they asked him to fly out an interview.  So they scheduled the flight and everything and then I got this great idea, since it's the Monday after Thanksgiving, that he should ask them to change his flight and I'll go with him just a few days earlier.  Crazy as it is, I actually have more days off for Thanksgiving from work than Christmas.  We only get Christmas day off- crazy!  But we get Thanksgiving day and the following day off, thank goodness.  So Andrew called the lady who scheduled his flight, and she changed it to Tuesday- as in a few days- and so we had no choice but to get me a ticket!  Luckily my parents are nice and have a lot of credit cards points built up- so we're going to Ohio!  I am so excited.  This will be my first Christmas away from home, and I've already cried about it twice.  It's going to be a rough day, but I'm so glad I'll get to see my family just a few weeks before.  Andrew and I don't get to be on the same flight due to the fact that they're flying him first class on the most expensive airlines possible, but we'll leave and arrive within just a little while of each other.  I'm stoked! 

Andrew and the guy he shares his office with are doing statistics stuff right now, and it's seriously like another language.  You'd have to pay me A LOT of money to get me to do a Master's in Statistics, but they seem to be liking it.  Well, I have pizza in the oven at the complex where we're RAs and it's about time to pull it out, so I'm off. I don't want to set the fire alarm off here- that's be a mess!


  1. Yay!!! Have a fun time with your family!

  2. Awww how fun!! I know what you mean though- my first Christmas away from home was super hard. But that's great you get to go to Ohio! Hopefully he gets the internship!
