Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best husband ever!

So Andrew scored a of points this weekend.  We only have 1 car, so I always drop Andrew off at school on my way to work and pick him up on the way home.  Friday I called him as I was leaving the office and he said he decided to walk home becaue he was going stir crazy studying all day.  I got home and the laundry baskets were sitting out, which reminded me that we were completely out of clean underwear, so it HAD to get done right away.  I found him cleaning the bathroom and talked to him for a good few minutes before I noticed the clean clothes hanging everywhere- he had walked home from school and done all the laundry because he knows it's my least favorite thing in the world!  Then, to top it off, he pulls out flowers that he got for me!

After that we decided to run a few errands and stopped by a furniture place that was going out of business.  We fell in love with this high topped table, but it was still expensive and we realized that it would take up approximately half of our apartment.  Someday we'll get cool furniture, but we'll probably have to wait for another few years when Andrew is done with school and has a real job.  There's something kind of fun about having really ghetto furniture that doesn't match.  In fact, the only furniture we own right now is a bookshelf that we bougt from Walmart and another mini shelf and a desk that we got from a yard sale for a few bucks (our apartment came fully furnished).

Sunday Andrew scored more points when I left for visiting teaching and he made an amazing dinner when I was gone- my favorite chicken my mom made when I was little, real mashed potatoes, green beans, and a really nice salad.  I was super impressed, and he wasn't even mad that I was gone for half an hour longer than I expected. 

I married a keeper, which I'm sure most every girl thinks about her husband :)  I am so grateful to be married to such a wondeful man and that it will be forever!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fun Weekend

Andrew and I had a fun weekend- busy- but fun.  Friday night we went to Divine Comedy on campus with our friends Ryan and Sarah.  The boys dropped us girls off at the door and went and parked the car while we got in line.  We walked around looking for the end of it- which was all the way upstairs through mazes of people at the JSB at BYU.  Although the line was long, the show was good and we had a lot of fun with them.

Saturday evening Andrew's family came over for Olsen family game night.  We rotate who hosts the party every month, and this time it was our turn.  It was a little cramped in our tiny apartment, and we had no problems staying plenty warm.  We played ImagineIf, Mad Gab, and Apples to Apples- some of my favorite games.  It's nice to just hang out and play games together.  Andrew's little sister, Maddie, seemed to win everything.  But as competitive as the rest of the family is, I don't think there were any hurt feelings (which is pretty impressive now that I think about it!).

Sunday Andrew and I went to the Christmas Devotional in Salt Lake City with my little brother Kory.  It was fun to  drive up there with him- he's quite entertaining.  The air is soooo gross here right now.  You can see the pollution all around you, and it even tastes bad!  The devotional was really nice, and I am super excited that it's the Christmas season.  I love that people are all a little nicer and more willing to help eachother. 

This week has been pretty hectic as well.  Tuesday we worked at the Branbury clubhouse from 5-11.  I actually left Andrew for awhile and went and babysat with my good friend from work.  The baby (our other friend from work's son) is 9 weeks old and so cute.  He clearly has barfing problems, though, and the two of us and her husband were all hit by the end of the night.  The funniest thing that happened was when it was my turn to change his diaper and the air hit and there was a stream of pee straight onto my friend's carpet.  Luckily she though it was as funny as I did, and we laughed so hard that her husband came down to see what was going on.  I came home and told Andrew that when we have kids we may have to keep a Christmas tree up all year because every time he cried, we'd hold him up in front of the tree and he would be happy again.  I guess he likes Christmas as much as me!

Well Wednesday was my work Christmas party, which was fun.  I'm lucky to work with great people, so we had a good time.  Tonight we're back at the Branbury working from 5-11, and this time Andrew left me to go run some errands.  Hopefully he'll get back soon, though, because I am STARVING!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

 Here's our Christmas tree all decorated for Christmas- which I must admit I like a lot better than decorated for Halloween (above).

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December!

I can hardly believe that it's already December!  It's crazy how fast the time goes between Thanksgiving and Christmas- it'll be here before we know it!  I made Andrew help me put up the Christmas tree the first time it snowed...which happened to be a week before Halloween.  He objected, but in the end I won, and I have enjoyed it every day since.  Actually for the first little while I decorated it for Halloween with pumpkin/bat/ghost garland and a witch had at the top, and then I switched to Christmas the day before Thanksgiving.  Both of our parents bought specific ornaments for us growing up, so I have at least one from every year of my childhood, and Andrew has about the same amount I do.  I love turning off all the other lights in the house and drinking hot chocolate by the tree.

Today we went to my sisters house for dinner with her boyfriend and our younger brother.  She made tacos, and it was a lot of fun to be with them.  However, the way over was a little stressful!  We were driving down University Avenue, and close to the stop light at 800N the traffic suddenly stopped.  Andrew slammed on the brakes and we were able to stop in time, but the people behind us weren't so lucky.  I've never really been in a car accident before (besides the time I ran the family mini van into the back of our garage...), and I must admit I really didn't like it.  I'm not sure how the girl behind us lucked out so much, but there was almost no damage whatsoever- all the damage to our car was a little bit of paint scratched on the under-ish side of our bumper.  Hers car didn't fare quite as well, but still just has superficial problems.  She must have said her prayers this morning!  And us too!  The jolt felt pretty big, and we weren't even going very fast.  I sure hope I'm never in a serious accident!

That's about the extent of the excitement here in Provo- it's by far enough for me!  Life is so great, and even better now that it's officially the Christmas season!