Friday, November 13, 2009

Eventful Week!

This past week has been a good one, but completely crazy!  Andrew met with a professor at Texas A&M and we started thinking about applying to PhD schools for him now to start next year.  Schools often take students before they technically have their Master's Degrees.   We've spent a lot of time researching schools and deciding what to do.  We love where we're at in life right now- we have a great apartment where we can work off our rent as resident assistants, I have a good job with insurance benefits, and Andrew has a lot of research opportunities with his professors.

Our most recent thought is to have him apply to the top three biostatistics schools (Harvard, University of of Washington, and John Hopkins).  If he gets in, great!  We'll pick up and move at the end of the summer and he'll be able to finish a year faster.  If he doesn't get it, great!  We'll spend another year here where we love it, he'll be able to build his resume, and we'll apply again next year.  The only lame thing is that it takes a lot of time for him to apply and costs quite a bit, but we're excited to possibly start a new chapter in our lives pretty soon.  It's crazy what life throws at you, but we love the adventure!  We've spent a lot of time learning about these schools, thinking about what would be best, and praying to see what we should do- I'll keep you posted!

Two weeks ago was Halloween, and that was fun!  Andrew and I worked in the clubhouse of our apartment complex for a little while and then went out to dinner at a new pizza place in Provo called Pizza Pie Cafe.  It's a genius idea- a cheap pizza buffet that has a bunch of fun flavors as well as salad and pasta bars.  When we got home from dinner, we carved pumpkins.  Luckily Andrew is a little more skilled than I am first in cutting the top off, second in peeling out all the pumpkin poo, and finally, at being innovative enough to still light them even without candles.  Actually, lighting them was probably the funniest part.  We wanted to take pictures of them lit up, so Andrew crumpled up some newspaper, put it inside, and dropped a match in.  It definitely worked- at one time there were flames coming out of my pumpkins eyes!

Work is going well for me.  It's a little bit stressful because the company is growing faster than they can handle, but it's a good job.  Andrew is also doing well- he likes his classes and has a lot of fun  doing research for his professors.  We certainly manage to stay busy, but we also manage to have a lot of fun.  We love the little adventures- like today when I made popcorn not in a bag the first time and opened the microwave and popcorn came tumbling out.  Life sure is great!

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