Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December!

I can hardly believe that it's already December!  It's crazy how fast the time goes between Thanksgiving and Christmas- it'll be here before we know it!  I made Andrew help me put up the Christmas tree the first time it snowed...which happened to be a week before Halloween.  He objected, but in the end I won, and I have enjoyed it every day since.  Actually for the first little while I decorated it for Halloween with pumpkin/bat/ghost garland and a witch had at the top, and then I switched to Christmas the day before Thanksgiving.  Both of our parents bought specific ornaments for us growing up, so I have at least one from every year of my childhood, and Andrew has about the same amount I do.  I love turning off all the other lights in the house and drinking hot chocolate by the tree.

Today we went to my sisters house for dinner with her boyfriend and our younger brother.  She made tacos, and it was a lot of fun to be with them.  However, the way over was a little stressful!  We were driving down University Avenue, and close to the stop light at 800N the traffic suddenly stopped.  Andrew slammed on the brakes and we were able to stop in time, but the people behind us weren't so lucky.  I've never really been in a car accident before (besides the time I ran the family mini van into the back of our garage...), and I must admit I really didn't like it.  I'm not sure how the girl behind us lucked out so much, but there was almost no damage whatsoever- all the damage to our car was a little bit of paint scratched on the under-ish side of our bumper.  Hers car didn't fare quite as well, but still just has superficial problems.  She must have said her prayers this morning!  And us too!  The jolt felt pretty big, and we weren't even going very fast.  I sure hope I'm never in a serious accident!

That's about the extent of the excitement here in Provo- it's by far enough for me!  Life is so great, and even better now that it's officially the Christmas season!


  1. I forgot about the time you ran the van into the garage! Scary little story. Glad you guys are all ok! Blessing, blessings, blessings!

  2. That's my favorite thing to do by the tree, too! Turn off all the other lights, drink hot chocolate, and read Christmas books. So glad you're enjoying the season and that everything's ok with your car. I had my first accident in June while being 7 months pregnant. Not fun. Glad you're all safe!
