Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hill Cumorah Pageant

This weekend we took a trip with my parents and my sister Kim and her husband Darrell to the Hill Cumorah Pageant, a Mormon church play in Palmyra, NY.  We had a great time, and Jake did so well, even during the long car ride. 

Our first stop was Olive Garden in Buffalo, NY.  Jake got to sit in the high chair offered by the restaurant for the first time, and he LOVED it.  He was jabbing away and pounding on the table.  We let him play with a breadstick for a minute, but he was having a little too much success getting pieces off.  We very much enjoyed our food, and certainly the company.

Our next stop was the Sacred Grove.  This is where the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.  It was neat to think about the wonderful things that happened there and to visit the place that means so much to me, and to see where these events occurred that have really shaped my life.  I am so grateful for the prophet Joseph Smith and for his immense faith and dedication to what he knew was right, even through persecution and to his death.

We then went to the Hill Cumorah where the pageant was held.  We went to the visitors center and then had a picnic while we waited for the production to start.  It was about the Book of Mormon and was very good.  The actors did a great job, and the special effects were impressive.

We made it back to the hotel pretty late, but it was so nice.  Andrew became platinum member with Marriott after we spent a whole summer in a Residence Inn while he was interning at Abbott last year.  We rented the rooms we stayed in with the points we earned, and because he's a platinum member, our rooms were upgraded.  It was fun to stay there, and the breakfast was great.  Although after spending my first trimester pregnant and sick in a hotel, I'm not as excited about them as I used to be.

On our way home we stopped at Niagara Falls.  It was Andrew and Jake's first time, and Kim and I hadn't been there since we were really young.

Our last stop was Maggiano's in Beachwood, Ohio.  YUM!  It's a family favorite restaurant, and we really enjoyed the food, and our leftovers today.  It was a fantastic trip and we are so excited to have my sister Kim and her husband Darrell in Ohio.  They'll be living in Dayton within the next month, which is only an hour away!  Jake adores Kim and is fascinated by Darrell.  It'll be fun for him to have an aunt and uncle around.  We're glad we live close to family and had a wonderful time with them this weekend!

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