Thursday, March 29, 2012

Little Jake is 3 Months!

I can't believe my little baby is already 3 months old!  And what I really can't believe is how fast he is growing and learning things.  He is starting to notice a lot more than he used to and loves looking around.  I had no idea he would already be able to imitate faces we make, and he's starting to make noises that sound more and more like talking.  I was singing to him earlier today and he started cooing like what I was singing.  It blew me away.  I had no idea how smart he would be so fast!

Jake is sleeping through the night like a champ!  I figured out that he has to eat at least 25 oz of formula during the day, and then he's good for the night.  We offer him 5 oz a feeding 6 times a day- 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, and 10pm.  He plays and takes naps between each feeding and is so much fun to be around!  He is the world's slowest eater, though.  It takes him a full hour to eat each time (making a whopping 6 hours of feeding time every day...).  Sometimes I have to stop feeding him before he's done because the formula is only good for an hour after they start drinking.  During those hours I talk to him, tell him about anything and everything, read to him, and sing to him.  It is a long time, but I enjoy just watching him and taking in every moment.

His smile melts my heart, and he is starting to smile so easily!  Even when Andrew or I just walk into the room he lights up and gives us a huge, heart-warming grin.

His favorite thing to do these days is play on his little gym.  We tell him he's working out, and he seems to take that seriously.  You should see him kick at the piano keys and punch at the toys.  He's figuring out how to grab onto them as of late and seems to be enjoying that.

His least favorite thing is tummy time.  He doesn't seem to get it, and instead of lifting up his head and strengthening his muscles, he lifts up his bum, pushes his legs, and scoots forward.  Tummy time always comes with crying and spitting up everywhere.  Poor kid! 

This past week Jake and I LOVED having Andrew home for spring break.  They spent a lot of time together.  It's easy to see that Jake adores his dad as much as Andrew adores him.

Here are an abundance of pictures for his grandparents and our family who don't get to see him too often.  Yes, he's the cutest little boy in the world :)  Andrew and I seriously ADORE him!

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