Friday, August 10, 2012

Big Boy

The last couple of days I've really gotten the vibe from Jake that he wants to do the same things we do.  He was mad sitting on the floor the other day while I worked, and guess what made him happy?

Yes, sitting in my work chair.  Unfortunately that didn't last long since I had so much to do.

Today Jake looked so cute, but so old with his new hoodie and BYU hat on.  Jake's Grandma and Grandpa Olsen got him the hat, and I LOVE it.  So does Jake.  He keeps pulling it off and looking at it.   It seriously makes him look so grown up!

And finally, when I went to give him his bottle before bed tonight, he didn't want it!  He honestly only took a swig or two and would not drink another drop.  He's been eyeing our glasses lately and I've let him try a swig of water from mine, so we tried that for his milk.  And guess what, he drank/ spilled quite a bit more of his bottle and was as happy as a clam using one of our glasses.

My little boy is growing up way too fast!

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