Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 months!

This past week Jake turned 5 months!  I can't believe how fast the time is flying and how much he has grown and learned since he came to our little family.  What a joy it is having him as our little boy- he has Andrew and I wrapped around his little finger already.  We're always saying how cute he is, how sweet, and how lucky we are to be his parents.  We pray with him every night before he goes to sleep and I cannot thank my Heavenly Father enough for allowing me to become a mother- Jake's mother!

Jake is still sleeping great.  In the last few weeks he's started rubbing his eyes when he is sleepy- like everything else he does, it's cute :)  He and my dad took a nap together last weekend when we were visiting for my mom's birthday.

Jake is now to the point where he can sit...kind of...for up to 30 seconds at a time.  We still have to be careful to not let him fall over, but I bet he'll have it down in the next few weeks.

Jake is a pro at rolling to his stomach from his back, but has only been able to make it back to his back a few times still.  I'm sure it's my fault, though, because when he hated tummy time so much, I didn't leave him crying there as long as I probably should have.  I'm sure he'll catch on soon.

Jake still LOVES his feet, which is making it trickier to change his diaper, but he has 2 more built in pacifiers.   

This past week Andrew finished his classes!  He has one final this week, and then no more classes or tests until his HUGE qualifier exam in August.  He'll be studying for it like crazy all summer.  This week was pretty stressful for him.  Unfortunately, his last week of school lined up with the last week of the month, which is always a little more stressful with goals that need to be completed.  Lucky for us, Jake was great.  He's pretty independent, which would probably drive me nuts if I were always able to devote all my time and attention to him, but it is perfect because he loves playing by himself while I work (about 27-30 hours/week).  What a blessing!

Andrew and I love our little 5 month old sweetie!

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